Rajah Coriander Powder Dhana Powder Dhaniya Powder
Rajah Ground Coriander (Dhaniya) Powder Rajah Ground Coriander is derived from the dried ripe seed of the Coriander plant and is considered an essential ingredient for a wide variety of dishes....
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Rajah Ground Coriander (Dhaniya) Powder

The seed of the cilantro plant is known as coriander. The name coriander is believed to have been derived from Koros, a Greek word which means insect or bug due to its strong bug-like smell. Though its origin is not known, coriander is said to be native to Southern Europe and China. Its seeds have been found in the tombs from the 21st Egyptian Dynasty, over 3000 years ago. In Chinese mythology, it was believed that coriander had the power to grant immortality. In India, coriander is commonly known as dhaniya and is cultivated in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and southern states like Andhra Pradesh.
Ground Coriander
100g | 400g
Being a tropical crop, coriander plants require a well lit area with well drained soil. It doesn’t do well in high humidity and damp conditions and should not be planted next to fennel as this will kill both plants. Loamy soil is best suited for commercial cultivation of coriander where the crop is raised as an irrigated crop. Otherwise, coriander can be successfully grown in black soils where it is raised as a rain fed crop. Coriander seeds are harvested when about half the seeds turn yellow and these are then dried under the shade in order to retain the seed’s colour and quality. After drying, seeds are separated by light beating with sticks and winnowing. Most people do not know that all parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts traditionally used in cooking.
When storing the coriander powder, place them in an airtight container, kept in a cool, dark area, away from direct heat or sunlight. To test whether the powder are still potent simply rub or crush a small amount in your hand and then taste and smell them. If the aroma is weak and the flavour is not obvious then the powder should be replaced.